Multicultural failure and the Rise of Islamic Radicalism in Brick Lane : Towards an Intercultural Solution
Publication Date : 31/12/2024
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Abstract :
This analysis of Monica Ali’s Brick Lane is a literary assessment of multiculturalism in Britain with a particular reference to the relationship between Whites and the Muslim minority. Indeed, the battle for cultural hegemony on the British space constrains natives to resort to racist policies that spawn from segregation to exploitation and impoverishment through the demise of Muslims’ Britishness. Consequently, this inhospitality leads the Muslim minority to barricade behind radical Islam that provide them with a religious tinged identity. That new identity both compensates for the denial of their belonging to Great Britain and connects them to the worldwide Muslim community. Henceforth, This analysis of the cultural belligerence between Whites and Muslim migrants in Britain brings out the fact that in Britain, multiculturalism is a failed policy that triggers the most extreme forms of rebellion among local ethnic minorities like the Muslim community in Brick Lane that ends up relying on Jihad to settle his accounts with Westerners in general and Native Britons in particular. However, the article also shows that there is still hope for a peaceful British society through the endorsement of a concept like interculturalism that can bring the communities together through a frank and courteous cultural collaboration.
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