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Titre : Deconstructing Patriarchies: A Womanist Reading of Thomas Middleton and Thomas Dekker’s The Roaring Girl
Auteur.e.s : Komenan Janvion KOUAKOU, .

Résumé | Abstract

Based on womanist approaches, this paper examines Moll Cutpurse’s life, with the aim of highlighting that Moll Cutpurse performs the transiting character from patriarchal subjection to women’s emancipation. The exploration of The Roaring Girl written in 1607 by Thomas Middleton and Thomas Dekker allows affirming that Moll Cutpurse deconstructs the male-built systems in Early Modern England. From stereotyped girl to emancipated character, Moll is portrayed as a character that embodies women’s aspiration to deconstruct patriarchal orders of English society.

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