Appel à contribution (Vol. 1, No. 03 de décembre 2024)
Pour son numéro libre à paraître en décembre 2024, la revue CDL attend des contributions
E-ISSN : 2960-2858 | P-ISSN : 3006-4414
Titre : History and Future Expectations of Domestic Cooking Energy in Lome
Auteur.e.s : Hanza DIMAN, .
In sub-Saharan African countries, the domestic energy landscape is primarily dominated by fuelwood. For example, in Togo, specifically its important city, Lome, past and current data underline the unprecedented predominance of biomass. More than half of the total domestic energy consumed for cooking in Lome is still drawn from wood. In this study, I argue that fuelwood predominance results from a minor transition. Prior to the current primacy of firewood and charcoal, coconut shells played a central role in Lomean private kitchens. Given the relevance of the copra trade some decades ago, private domestic energy users could gather coconut shells for free—that is, they prosumed their energy source to meet their cooking needs. However, this situation changed significantly with the decrease in copra trade and with it any prosumption possibilities. Therefore, I explore how this transformation has happened while linking and embedding it partially into the prosumers’ debate. I suggest that, given recent developments in private domestic energy settings in Lome, solar energy is a potential alternative capable, if political will allows, of giving ‘power’ back to users. The data used in this study are archival materials, secondary sources and oral historical interviews.
Pour son numéro libre à paraître en décembre 2024, la revue CDL attend des contributions